Landlord and Tenant News: Government pours praise on SAFEagent in new housing strategy.
SAFEagent, the scheme launched this year to protect both landlords' and tenants' financial interests, has this week received glowing praise from the government.
In a statement released by Westminster detailing the government's new strategy for housing, SAFEagent, which launched to much acclaim in May, was described as a scheme which is driving up industry standards.
It was also stated that many landlords and tenants often do not realise the benefits of choosing a letting agent that is covered by the client money protection initiative.
“The SAFEagent scheme promotes consumer awareness of the issue and helps them to identify agents with protection, through the SAFEagent badge," the document noted.
“It shows how much can be achieved quickly and cheaply through simple and effective ideas driven by industry not the government.”
Since the scheme came into force, housing minister Grant Shapps has been extremely vocal in praising what SAFEagent is doing and has encouraged more letting and property management companies to sign up.
John Midgley, chair of the SAFEagent Steering Group, said that the governments continued backing was a "fantastic endorsement" of SAFEagent and he thanked Mr Shapps for his support throughout the past few months.
“We’re delighted that the government recognises that the industry can generate and implement proactive, innovative ideas which are in the interest of the consumer rather than relying on imposed regulations which would lead to further red tape and cost," he stated.
“SAFEagent is a simple and sensible approach to raising consumer awareness of Client Money Protection and it’s one that is working."
At present more that 1,600 agents and management firms have joined the scheme but Mr Midgley urged more to make a positive difference to the industry by joining up.
This September Lord Taylor of Holbeach, a Conservative peer and House of Lords whip, said he was "delighted" the government was endorsing SAFE and added that consultation is in place to make such protection initiatives a statutory requirement for all agents.
Landlord and Tenant News
Freehold pubs, wine bars, hotels, public houses, restaurants and nightclubs for sale on behalf of UK breweries, pub groups, owners & companies, pub landlords, publicans, property developers, private, corporate and overseas property investors.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Overseas Property Searches
The United States is now the second most popular overseas property search destination in the world, according to the latest report from TheMoveChannel.
After a long running battle between France and Spain at the top of the chart, the US has unexpectedly turned the two horse race into a three way competition for top spot. The country rose by two places in the rankings, replacing the traditional runner up as the surprise second favourite for buyers in October.
America has always been one of the most popular places for foreign real estate investment, alongside France, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. But while Spain remains the country of choice for buyers, receiving 3% more enquiries than the month before, America saw an increase of 1.06% in enquiries last month.
That number may seem like a small increase, but interest in US property has grown by 3% over the past three months, indicating a consistent appetite from overseas buyers for the country’s heavily discounted property market.
France had 1.57% fewer enquiries last month, while interest in Portugal also waned, by 2.42%, perhaps a sign that the continuing Euro crisis is sapping interest in continental property markets.
America’s ascension was just one of several surprises, as Cyprus and Thailand both jumped several places to enter the Top 10 most popular destinations. Cyprus has been suffering from unemployment and economic woes in the years since the housing boom, but the country is now starting to claw back buyers, as property prices dropped for the sixth quarter in a row last month.
After a long running battle between France and Spain at the top of the chart, the US has unexpectedly turned the two horse race into a three way competition for top spot. The country rose by two places in the rankings, replacing the traditional runner up as the surprise second favourite for buyers in October.
America has always been one of the most popular places for foreign real estate investment, alongside France, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. But while Spain remains the country of choice for buyers, receiving 3% more enquiries than the month before, America saw an increase of 1.06% in enquiries last month.
That number may seem like a small increase, but interest in US property has grown by 3% over the past three months, indicating a consistent appetite from overseas buyers for the country’s heavily discounted property market.
France had 1.57% fewer enquiries last month, while interest in Portugal also waned, by 2.42%, perhaps a sign that the continuing Euro crisis is sapping interest in continental property markets.
America’s ascension was just one of several surprises, as Cyprus and Thailand both jumped several places to enter the Top 10 most popular destinations. Cyprus has been suffering from unemployment and economic woes in the years since the housing boom, but the country is now starting to claw back buyers, as property prices dropped for the sixth quarter in a row last month.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Manchester City Centre Investment Property for Sale

Building Land for Sale, Manchester
Piccadilly Village
Store Street
Greater Manchester
Gross Site Area: 7480 sq/ft*
£ 150,000
The land is situated adjacent to Store Street on the edge of Manchester City Centre approximately 350 yards north east of Piccadilly Railway Station. Access to Store Street is from London Road (A6)
The plot can be found on the southern side of Store Street in the City Centre and is also near to the Grade II* listed Store Street aqueduct. The site is currently vacant and is approximately 3 metres higher than the level of Store Street (approximately 1 storey level).
The GSA is approximately 0.17 acres is landlocked on 3 sides with its fourth side fronting onto Store Street.
Planning permission had previously been granted for the construction of 16 luxury apartments in one block. That consent has now lapsed however details can be found at (Ref: 070326/FO/2003/C3).
Investment Property for Sale, Manchester City Centre
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
West Hampstead Freehold Property Show Day

Kings Gardens, West Hampstead, London, NW6 £499.950
A well-proportioned three double bedroom flat, set on the ground floor of this attractive mansion block.
The property is situated within easy walking distance of West Hampstead's Jubilee Line, Thames Link and North London Over Ground Stations.
The flat offers a bright reception room with wooden flooring, 15ft kitchen with a full range of fitted appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, two further double bedrooms and a bathroom comprising of a modern four piece white suite.
Further benefits include carriage drive way, recently redecorated block, porter, communal gardens, share of the freehold and no upper chain.
West Hampstead Mansion Block Property for Sale
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