Landlords with property to rent in London and other parts of the UK are increasingly turning their thoughts to expanding their portfolios, an independent property industry expert has said.
Malcolm Harrison commented that many landlords are right to be optimistic about their buy to let prospects, as the rental market will "remain very tight" until there is more housing stock and a wider range of UK mortgage offers for first time buyers.
"There is no house building, there is a shortage of decent housing in many areas and you can't get a mortgage, so quite a lot of people are going to be very dependent on buy to let investors," he pointed out.
"I think [landlords] are right to be cautiously optimistic anyway because we don't know what is happening with the overall economy yet."
Mr Harrison's comments come after LSL Property Services published research showing half (49 per cent) of landlords think now is a good time to invest in their portfolios, with 86 per cent are planning to do just that in the next few months.
Investment Finance News
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